Hands and house

Hands and house

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Feliz Navidad

I have just a moment to post as the wind is building and Doug will be heading out to kite. I promise that I am writing a bunch and will add it here when we get a chance. We are doing great! Meeting lots of people, soaking up the sun and letting God stir our hearts for things that stir His.
The kids are having a ball. We still have not pulled out any toys, their imaginations are on full drive as everything is turned into a spaceship, pirate's cove or kitty cat house. They have made a whole "Cocnut city" on the sandhill behind our camp. All ofthe kids from the camp of all ages are pitching in to help in the construction.
Tomorrow Santa comes to the campground and we will be decorating the grove of palm trees around our tent for Christmas. We have the chance on Christmas day to go to Los Planes (another town) and hand out presents to the children of migrant workers there. We have also found out about an orphanage that we are hoping to visit on our way up north.
God is doing SO much in Doug and I, I don't even know how to put it into words. The kids days are centering around serving, it has just become a part of the being...amazing. They have washed people's camper's, shared their toys, chosen to be last to get desert, to wait for snuggles. The list goes on and on and we have not prompted any of it, it just comes out of their hearts and is usually accompanied by a big grin and saying "I am serving God!!!!!" I am so humbled by the ease of their service as I grumble inside about the tougher parts of camping for a month.
Anyhow, I will try to post again before Christmas but if not Merry CHristmas and God's blessings from our simple little spot!!!!!!!!


Sophie said...

Hi Shannon, just had to check in and see how your experiment is going. Sounds amazing. I want to read more when I have time to catch up. Owen is down and Santa MUST WRAP PRESENTS!!! I know you are in awe, just like me, that a year ago you didn't know you had a baby in China, and to imagine this year without her is unthinkable. Jeff plopped Owen on my lap this morning and I said, "Merry Christmas to me...I've got all I want." Hugs to you guys as you just soak it all up...I pray you will be safe and blessed.



Ann Trubey said...

(Just realized Sophie was signed in on my Google account...that's me...guess you figured that out! Whew...just wait until you have a 12 year-old. Nothing is where it's supposed to be anymore--make-up, toiletries of any kind, CLOTHES etc.--time to buy it all in duplicate, but then she loses it and comes for mine anyway...it's quite the ride!)




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