This has been such a great week. It feels like the first time we are able to just soak up the summer!
We have played on the beach, picked raspberries, had yummy ice cream, sleepovers and stayed up way to late watching movies in the park!
At the end of each day I have this deep thankfullness for a simple summer day, for the laughter of my kids and how good life is.
That is just one of the gifts we are discovering on this side of things.
What are the others?
Well...I want to share one today that really deserves to stand on it's own.
I sat down with Parker the day after we found out about his diagnosis and explained to him the whole story...
How the doctors thought he might have had something that could make him go blind...
How thousands of people were praying for him...
About Albinism and what that will mean to him.
He looked up at me with those giagantic green eyes and said,
"You mean I could have gone blind?"
I nodded.
"Now I'm not going to?"
Again I nodded.
"And tons of people were praying for me?"
He then jumped up grinned and said,
"So I'm kind of like a walking miracle huh?"
later that day he snuggled up with me and said, "Mama, I'm so glad that all those people prayed."
Yesterday I overheard him telling his friends, "God has given me really special eyes and He has a plan for me with them."
Oh my heart.
I am so challenged that sometimes our struggles become the thing God can use the most. I so want to protect my children, to give them only joy, to shelter them from anything hard....
...and yet the Lord keeps reminding me that He is the one who has good plans for them, He is the one who created them and His plans come far before mine and are far more beautiful than I could ever imagine....
I can only begin to imagine how knowing people prayed and God came so close will affect Parker's whole life...oh me of little faith.
God is SO good.
I get the sense that through Parker's special eyes God is inviting us into something incredible....
My prayer is that our whole family will be forever changed.
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11
Oh, precious so precious and so powerful! I am so amazed with your kids...Joel and I enjoy hearing their stories!
this truly melted my heart! sweet little parker! tell him those eyes are really special and he is so so right, God has big big plans for him!
Parker is truly an amazing and special little boy. I love the perspective that children have. Thank you for sharing!
Isn't it amazing how God uses our kiddos to teach us about faith. I am discovering that on an almost daily basis with my Evie. Parker sounds like an amazing kid!
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